NHS Mycology Cases – pilot study

Welcome to the pilot study for the NHS Mycology Cases website, a clinical education resource being developed as a collaboration between the National Aspergillosis Centre (part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust) and the University of Manchester. We aim to help NHS clinicians choose and interpret fungal diagnostics through free online case-based learning. Our main target audience is clinicians (e.g. GPs, asthma nurses, respiratory consultants) who only occasionally treat patients with serious fungal infections, or those who want to broaden their knowledge of fungal conditions (e.g. clinical fellows who have recently joined an infectious diseases team).

Aspergillus is a mould that lives ubiquitously in the environment, particularly in rotten leaves. It can trigger allergies/asthma, or cause superficial infections (e.g. toenails, ears) or life-threatening invasive infections, particularly in the lungs.To find out more please visit our main website at Aspergillosis.org

This pilot study is based around the 3 main types of aspergillosis: chronic lung infection, chronic allergy, and invasive lung infection. When the site is launched later this year, it will be in the form of a ‘virtual hospital’ with many more case studies relevant to different departments (e.g. returning travellers; HIV clinic; haem-onc). We hope to offer CME/CPD credits once the site is live.


Thanks very much for participating – your feedback will help us to develop our new website and improve the care of patients with serious fungal infections.

Please don’t worry if a lot of the content seems unfamiliar – this resource will be used by clinicians with limited experience in infectious diseases, and we don’t expect you to remember all the details. It will take around 1-1.5 hours in total.

If you have any problems/questions please contact Beth at elizabeth.bradshaw2@mft.nhs.uk or on 07752191326

Please complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 in this Survey Planet questionnaire:  https://s.surveyplanet.com/j8yqp4iv

  • SECTION 1 (Q1-Q5) About you
  • SECTION 2 (Q6-Q15) Baseline knowledge (please complete BEFORE reading the cases)
  • SECTION 3 please read through the following 3 case studies (you may want to open each in a separate tab)
  • SECTION 4 (Q16-Q25) Post-course knowledge (same questions as section 2)
  • SECTION 5 (Q26-Q42) Satisfaction survey